61.  I am always thinking whether I have the right to deserve it and whether I -will abuse it.

62.  If I have had done all these right, it would have taken me about half an hour to get to the program.

63.  The Page right to it shows some examples to explain what wrote on the left.

64.  In the bottom right there is a plate of beef.

65.  Beside the flower is a silver plate of beefsteak with silver knife and silver folk on the right and left on it.

66.  A badge of cop is on left chest while the watch chain is hanging on the right of the waist.

67.  In China, the intuition fee was paid by government, therefore, the government has the right to assign jobs to the graduates.

68.  The enterprices have rights to select them, they also have rights to choose the factories or departments.

69.  Nowadays Chinese college leavers have their right to choose jobs.

70.  However, they had not right to choose a satisfactory job on their own.

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