61.  In Spain, where the crime rate is soaring in general tourists must contend with roving youths looking for ways to fleece the unsuspecting.

62.  The rate of crime increases every day.

63.  Since 1980, in the United States, the rate of crime has staggered upward Even since 1970, the FBI's base year for evaluating recent trends, reports of crime have continued to increase drastically Every prison is full of birds.

64.  While the population is increasing and the rate of crime is also increasing.

65.  Whether in civilised society or not, punishment is always a sure way to lessen the crime rate and keep our society running healthily.

66.  And this helps to improve the production rate and makes the economy growth more efficiently and quickly.

67.  What's more, they even draw such a conclusion that the increase of the criminal rate is caused by TV.

68.  But as we know, being a soldier, one has the responsibility to go to the battle field whenever the country asks so he has the high rate of possibility of losing his life.

69.  For instance, the victory of the gulf war made president George Bush get a very high supporting rate.

70.  Before the adoption of the pocily of reform and opening to the out world, China is a peaceful country with very low crime rate.

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