61.  In a word, protecting fresh wate is protect ourselves.

62.  The construct of food also improve, people know how to protect themselves from Decrease .

63.  The second reason is that the country's laws confirm many items about protecting people and their right.

64.  Things must be done to protect the fresh water.

65.  Because we can not live without fresh water, we must take steps to protect our limited fresh water resource.

66.  First, we should make most of people realize the fact of water shortage and appeal every one to protect the fresh water.

67.  We must protect the source of our lives -- fresh water.

68.  First but most important, it is necessary for us to control the area of being polluted present and protect the clean area from being destroyed, next, people should have a idea of use water economically .

69.  Second, we should deal with the polluted water before flowing into the river so that we can protect our water.

70.  They don't understand to protect the limited water resource.

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