61.  Her name was Wang Jie.

62.  The girl's name was Sun Yi.

63.  Because they were worthy of the name and the match was wonderful .

64.  One item of this activity was sign name .

65.  Not only all of the league members but also the other students' name would be signed on a long yellow cloth which was printed a symmetry writing .

66.  And many I can't said the name of the other flowers .

67.  Yellow fine hair, two smart eyes, they looked at me it seemed they said to me: "Hello, Our name are ducks."

68.  I asked my brother what name was it.

69.  Can I write my name now?"

70.  Because some persons want to "get" more money, they can buy or "make" something with poor quality and pack them with a well-known factory's or company's name and put them into Market---- It's fake commodity .

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