61.  But as soon as his mother had finished washing up, she went quietly upstairs to her son's bedroom and shortened the trousers by two inches.

62.  he wanted to go to college when he finished middle school!

63.  when we had finished our supper, my dad often took me to there, I found my dad often took a strange black things every times , and when I was playing, my dad was playing it.

64.  Having been finished those intense match, were full of zest to talk about that .

65.  Because when we finish the couse .

66.  Second, I will make my mind to finish my plan.

67.  In my oppion , there is two reason : one, we must serve the society after finish our study, the more we know about the society, the more things we can do; another, we can make full use of our ability .

68.  Beause we will go out college after we finished school work.

69.  When we have finished our study .

70.  We must get to know the world outside the campus so that we can work and live better after we finish our studies.

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