61.  When we are not in a hurry, and when you don't want to take in the polluted air filling in the city, we'd better choose ships as a mean of transportation.

62.  Modernization fills our pockets with money; however, it also somewhat ruined our lives.

63.  Cheating, sex, murder, violence are filled everywhere, it might easily destroy your weak mind and your innocent children.

64.  Pleasant new year songs fly out of house and fill the Spring Festival atmosphere.

65.  Three big bookshelves, the desk, the boxes under the bed and even half of the bed were all filled with books.

66.  Having serived one and another customer, I was filled with the satisfaction and happiness occured by labour.

67.  A warm, cordial atmosphere filled the dinning-room .

68.  The suspect's life is filled with bad records.

69.  "Mum," I said, "We are asked to fill in this form."

70.  I took out the pen and filled in the form "Zhongshan University."

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