61.  First, we learn all kinds of knowledges from our teachers in the class, but we couldn't deal with some things once we go to the society.

62.  Through society serve you can learn to deal with the relations among people, which is very important to us college students.

63.  Telephone not only makes people communicat easily, but also can deal with some emergencies quickly.

64.  Each day there is a lot of work to do and lot of people to deal with.

65.  Post offices can privide some people to deal with these greeting cards.

66.  So, it is important for you to deal with you interest.

67.  Therefore, It is suggested that you should deal with them well .

68.  Whether dealing with it well or not, was the key of continuation and development of our friendship.

69.  If we cna master adequid knowledge in the college, we are able to deal with many of difficuties what we will meet with after entering into society.

70.  If we know little about the society, when we graduate, Maybe we will not know how to deal with what we meet .

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