61.  When I arrived there, I had the subway for the second time.

62.  Players go to their lengths to try to be the first one arriving the terminal, while their supporters shouting and yelling for them on the bank .

63.  Usually, before their graduation, companies, enterprises who are either state-run or private arrive at schools to find if there are graduates they need.

64.  My friend Zhang saw me off and help me carry a big bag, when we arrived, we were frightened by such a scene: thousands or even millions of people huddled outside the station, pushing o and fro, yelling and jostling.

65.  And this moment is 1997, arriving in several hours from now, as we are approaching July 1st.

66.  Even though you are lucky enough to board on the bus, it often takes ages for the bus to arrive at your destination, for the bus are vp3,2-2] very inefficient and the operation of the road almost come to a standstill.

67.  You can sit watching TV, reading magazines or enjoying the beautiful view below you and arrive at you destination fresh and comfortable.

68.  The spirit of Spring Festival arrives usually ten days before the festival itself.

69.  When they arrived, they found fire sea was covering Manderey.

70.  When he arrived at Limmeridge and saw one of his students-beautiful Laura, he fell in love with her at the first sight.

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