51.  Nobody knew exactly how much he had suffered, endured and overcome, but everybody sees that now, after a few yours , he owned several buses which make up a transport team, and at the same time, a super fashion clothes, stored run by him is opened too.

52.  Dear Sir, I wander whether you have heard from me three months before, but one thing is sure, that is, I am suffering even more from the noise in your room which has severely disturbed my routine life.

53.  Boredom Men having been suffering boredom ever since they learnt to think.

54.  Students often suffer from boredom, when they lose their earings or have no interests in study.

55.  The next day, my friend and I struggled in the crowd at Guangzhou railway station , fought our ways to get on the train, suffered four hours of standing in the packed train and got off at Lechang railway station in the end.

56.  Soon he suffered the consequence of his Decision -- He was oppressed, summoned and deprived of the basic rights by the Inquisition and finally was sentenced to death.

57.  A few years ago, I remembered a person who predicted that a new world war would be happened, which made me vexed because I didn't expect to bear these suffering ..

58.  Though he suffered many persecutions, he still achieved quite a few achievements.

59.  "No one knew how much I suffered wearing that piece of cardboard."

60.  We can imagine how much David suffered!

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