51.  Professor Hunter was very excited that morning because he had just finished the papers of his invention.

52.  please finish as soon as you can, and then I am going to close the door and go home."

53.  if today is finished, everything will become better.

54.  I finished my Juior middle school study and continue study in high middly school in 1996.Now, I am a middle school student, I found it much different from times ago .

55.  You'll find how to finish it quickly.

56.  Generally speaking, it refers that you can find a easy way to finish your tasks after you have done many exercises.

57.  In a word, skill follows experience is a very useful way to finish different work.

58.  To everyone, they can be easy to finish the things that they know.

59.  But to things they don't know, it is very diffcult to finish them.

60.  "Practice makes perfect" is a idiom in Chinese and also in English, it means that when a person have done something many times he can finish the work perfectly because he have had many practice in which he have done ..

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