41.  Unlike other children enjoying comfortable living conditions and parents' love, she spent her childhood in tears: Suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, her father could only lie in bed; Mother mercilessly went away.

42.  Poor people who suffer from this inflammation always look worried and gloomy.

43.  I do not want to border you but I find I must write this letter to you because I have suffered too much noise whice I am sorry to say that, are mostly comes from your room.

44.  These kind people suffered so much pain that a god wanted to save them from the goast's rule.

45.  I just want to mention the most important one, that is, they suffer from a great competition pressure.

46.  In the past, the great poet, Quyuan, threw himself into the Miluo River at this day for suffering from seeing the lost of his beloved country.

47.  Pollution includes air pollution and water pollution, which makes people live in a worse and worse enviorment ,because of various pollution , people suffer from some strange diseases .

48.  However, in recent mouths, I have been suffering a great deal of noise coming from your apartment which makes me quite upset and to write you this letter.

49.  Which lies nearly at the center of the city, the noise and the polluted air from the busy traffic nearby and the several large Markets and shops surrounding it does make people on the campus suffer a lot.

50.  When you suffer frustration in job, life and love etc.

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