41.  Advertising is being becoming more and more important, so the rate of advertising is becoming more and more expensive.

42.  The rate of unemployment will increase.

43.  The tax rate in China is quite high.

44.  Moreover, as the illiteracy rate in China is quite high, many children born in rural ereas has no opportunities to be educated, because of proverty If we transmit the expensive medical expense on a patient with little hope for surviving to some poor children, we can train many talent for the future development of the country.

45.  The U.S, a highly developed country, has the highest criming rate in the world.

46.  People are even startled at the rocketing rate of crimes in recent years.

47.  One of the most serious problems of our society is the speeding rate of crimes.

48.  That is why a society like the U.S. with such a high criminal rate can be called a "civilised society", while a tribal society, no mater how friendly those people are, is called an "uncivilised society".

49.  Singapore is a country with rather low criminal rate.

50.  The brutality of crime is shocking and the crime rate is skyrocketing.

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