41.  Does it mean that the odds are so small compared with the looming profits that crimes are worth trying?

42.  Those who violate them will incur more sufferings than the profits temporarily extracted, not necessarily physically, but always psychologically.

43.  Among them some try to be rich and powerful in any ways they can use ; some want to find a haven of happiness in the sail of drugs which can not be found in this mad world of profit and pollution.

44.  Nevertheless, if they had known that foreign travellers were their friends, who got them make profit in tourist trade, the citizens might have considered the problem.

45.  Who can resist such profits Besides, school is too civilised and mercy to criminals, thus cruel and unfair for victims.

46.  This new invention was put into use in his factory and proved that it had improved the production force greatly, so the factory's profit increased quickly and become one of the most profitable factory in China.

47.  Indeed the theoratical degrees can not produce any practical and visible product, and they can not bring any profit to the college student at a short time.

48.  Actually the theoratical degrees can not produce any profit immediately, but we can not say they do not prepare students for the real world.

49.  In order to pursue profits from producing lots of programs as fast as possible TV producer would put the quality aside, scrape together the rubbish contents, plots, meaningless dialogues.

50.  People also blame television for the assumption that it is run for profit.

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