41.  But when he arrived at the Market, he found that he had forgot to bring the money.

42.  At last their aims arrived, but after to exam, they find that they've negleted many of the contents, how pity it is!

43.  But when she finished washing, the meal as over-boiled when her husband arrived and she was still busy doing the dinner .

44.  Arriving at the station, you sadly find out that the ticket is left on the table.

45.  So when you get to school, you can find that you arrive at school on time.

46.  Because you have no possibly to arrive at your purpose, if you have no good base .

47.  After he arrived, he then found he forgot to take papers or something else which are more important.

48.  For example, a driver wanted to arrive at some place in time when he had not enough time to go, he would fasten his speed.

49.  At the same time, the infant mortality was lowered, in 1990, there were one hundred infants died in every 1000 births, but in 1960, it arrived at 200 deaths per 1000 births, in spite of this, this all lowered the average .

50.  At last, I will fail to arrive my object.Once I took part in a examine .

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