31.  The way of the serve of social is the political state .

32.  There are few words which are used frequently than the word "Democracy" on the world political stage.

33.  At first, a form of government or other authoritative office in which the right to make political Decisions is exercised directly by the whole body of citizens, known as direct Democracy.

34.  The third type is recording movie such as political, sport and scientific recording Film .

35.  In the ancient period, the poem dropped himself down to the Milo rive , for the empire had ignored his political reform.

36.  Generally speaking, the cities I've visited can be divided into 3 types: tourist, industrial and political.

37.  The third type; the political center is exclusive for the chinese capital---Beijing.

38.  " Power" is a very significant word in this political city, showing the policy of the country, showing the control over the complex contradictions and the confidence to make our country even better.

39.  With it, not only have we weathered untold defeats, shame, poverty, natural disasters, political strife, financial crisis, but also we are building up our country industriously and hopefully.

40.  Willy's tragedy is unchangeable, on one hand, because of his own weak personality on the other hand, because of the political, and social conditions.

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