31.  He shuddered at the thought of giving himself up to the police for the fear of everyone's spit and contempt.

32.  Prison, together with court, army and police, is the component of what is called state machines.

33.  What are court, army, or police used for if criminals are caught, found guilty but have no prison to stay in?

34.  As a result they aren't afraid at all, visiting police office just like visiting an old friend.

35.  After one year, Mike was put into prison again for shooting a police when he and his gang was seen breaking into a jewel shop.

36.  If they are arrested by the police again, they will be again sentenced and sent to prison twice Then is the third times forth times ..

37.  Of course, no mount of police protection can altogether prevent crime.

38.  After robbing the victims, they also steal their cars as well, so the police won't hear about the crime for several hours.

39.  It is true that the prison system is so old that it can not satisfy the police to hold so many criminals.

40.  Recently, New York police seized more than 193 kilograms of heroin worth $277 million while investigating an alleged drug rings includes a French businessman with ties in Ukraine and Singopore In the past Decade, drug networks have developed rapidly and they tend to be internationalization They are well-eqipped with advanced arms and they will remove obstacles recklessly on the way to success.

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