21.  Even though family members or friends are separated, they can share the moon and miss each other at the same time.

22.  July 9, 1997Dear Peter, I'm glad to have heard from you,with reference to the question about employment you raised in your letter, I like to share my points of view with you .

23.  People stand beside, watching the beautiful dressed-up people acting as all kinds of figures, sharing the cheers and happiness.

24.  It's the time for the family to reunite, and share their joys.

25.  At that night, all the family members would share a feast and, of course, the dumplings, talking and laughing.

26.  The family share happiness together in the shining of the moon.

27.  Dear Johns, After reading your letter, I share the same feeling as yours.

28.  Actually, China shares the same situation with Britain.

29.  As a student, I share the common attitude towards study with most fellows.

30.  I hope you will share my opinion and allow me a quiet and easy life.

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