21.  It's more likely that Chinese doctors will prefer to obey the law rather than break it.

22.  Otherwise, more unhappy things that we do not want to see are likely to happen.

23.  When the pressure of the desire goes beyond their bearance crimes are likely to be committed.

24.  For another example, he or she makes boy friends or girl friends at the same time, he or she will be likely to lose all when they know that they have been cheated.

25.  And it is the student who is more likely to make some improvement or invention.

26.  While those who come from university of science and engineering are likely to be engaged in machine-controlling, producing process, etc, which those supervisors and managers know little about They find it difficult to make Decisions or adopt tactics to run the enterprise better.

27.  The main complaint the "anti-televisionists" have is most likely to be the one that television causes people to get used to passing much time by receiving the pictures on the screen passively, which discourages imagination and creativeness.

28.  Most of the American people, especially the mothers, are convinced that violence and obscene scenes on TV are likely to corrupt children.

29.  The belligerent that possesses more sophisticated warring facilities along with personnels that can operate them skillfully is more likely to manipulate the balance against its rivals Professionalization is just in tide with this military trend.

30.  Although the negotiational methods have priority in dealing with the world affairs, there are many conflictions which can not be compromised and are most likely to cause wars.

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