21.  Roberto Baggio is a great football sperts plaier , he is my idow .Dear Maling, Thank you for your letter.

22.  And wear more clothes, it's cooler on the great Wall than here .

23.  I thank Miss, you make me know that some things are one of my business, so it is not necessary for me to speak at great length on some questions .

24.  Mr. Wang is one of the greatest of all the leaders in our school.

25.  Great changes have taken place since 1978.

26.  In the morning we well go to the Great wall at first and have lunch there.

27.  And bring more clothes, on the great wall it is colder than here.

28.  He wrote some great works such as The Civil War in France, On Capital, The Communist Manifesto.

29.  That's great!

30.  At first we will go to great wall and have lunch there in the morning.

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