21.  Have you ever seen the film--Aladdin.

22.  I know the music of the film is very wonderful.

23.  If I could have three hope like Aladdin, the first one is I can see the film completely.

24.  A wonderful film is connected closely with music.

25.  We can use the advertisements from television, meginize , film and so on, which can provide us with many useful information about society.

26.  Film and TV can let us have a good time sometimes, and electric eight give us light, futhermore , many kinds of electric machine can help us do some works.

27.  But we do know that time passes very quickly, Some students, however, do not know how to make the best use of it, for they wasts it in going to films, playing games and doing other useless things, why do we go to school early in the morning?

28.  They can play football, see a film, listen to the music and write to their friends.

29.  I very liked to see the film about battle, and I read a lot about battle.

30.  I can see a lot of films that they think it will waste their son's time .

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