21.  It would be caught a cold easily .

22.  In that time, how I can...if I can catch up with other classmates in a short time, I must study hard than before and give up bad habits.

23.  So his son and he were caught to the governor Gessler.

24.  Everyone will try his best to catch a good Mark.

25.  Shortly after that, there were two policemen came for the case's information, but the professor said that it was necessary to catch the impostor.

26.  To everyone's surprised, Professor Hunter said that it was not necessary to catch that two men.

27.  The sea catches the lightning, and lets them go out in their abyss.

28.  Finally, he has also been caught.

29.  Developing countries can catch up with the developed countries.

30.  If we don't do these, we can't catch the English and understand other people when they are speaking English .

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