11.  She kept the first three place in the class all along .But her life is too suffering .

12.  I was so poor that I had suffered severely from a lingerling toothache for one and a half weeks!

13.  For example, a millionaire who suffered from serious cancer was willing to buy his health at the expense of his whole for time.

14.  If you want to succeed, you must work harder than others, suffer much more than others and sweat much more than others.

15.  Although money make people's material living abundant, it will bring us suffers sometimes.

16.  Such as suffering from hunger, cold, etc .

17.  Once someone ask him for a help , he always tries his best to accomplish it, I remember his words that: Everyone May suffer sorrow or have difficulty .

18.  You will often suffer from your weak body and can't put your full heart into your work.

19.  It causes suffering not only people but also the countary .

20.  For a example, a boxer before his success he must practice much and suffer from a great deal of blow that few people can endure.

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