11.  The second is: Do : further" and "father" mean the same thing : What's the difference?

12.  Please tell me which one is and why?2.Please tell me what haven't " further and " farther" same !

13.  No.2 : Why "further " and " farther " is same in explained and useness ?

14.  If two word have any isn't same ?

15.  I said to myself: "you are very foolish, you mustn't make the same joke !

16.  at the same time, China also has develophing fast our country becoming stronger and stranger .

17.  a girl who lives with me in the same bedroom is one of my friends.

18.  at the same time you should tell him who else besides him will come to the dinner.

19.  not only English and American has this kind of diet, but also most of the westerners as same as them .

20.  I almost did the same work in several days.

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