11. Firstly, it costs less than by plane or ship.
12. We have cost so much wealth and heath .
13. No one can deny it cost him many time to walk well, much more time to run.
14. At last I want to say: "do well in one job, we'll get a lot, do many jobs superficially, we'll cost a lot .
15. Furthermore, work situation would be stable, they need not cost more time to look for another job, then, they avoid many problem .
16. This is like running a car, whether you only know it well but hadn't cost time to learn how to run it, you couldn't do it as usual .
17. My hurrying costed my much time.
18. Because you cost too much energy in the front of the 5000 metre, later you are exhusting and faliure .
19. Fake wines May make buyers blind, fake electric apparatus May refuse to work or even get you hurt, and fake medicines May cost you the money as well as, sometimes, even the life.
20. But if you buy a fake shoe, which costs you the same money but gets the greatly different resultls .