11.  Our life is getting in closer touch with them.

12.  He should be close with the students.

13.  They should respect students and accept advice given by students, so the students can be encouraged and make teachers as their close friends.

14.  Respect can make teachers and students closer and closer.

15.  When the student and the teacher understand each other, the teacher-student relationship will be closer.

16.  And a teacher student relationship will be closer than ever.

17.  In the past, China was close to other countrys .

18.  Insisting on it, success is close.

19.  In everyday life, they can do the same work they are in command of and own their close colleagues for them, the value of life is to enjoy the happiness of settlement and to do their specialities good .

20.  I think, pay close attention to one work is a food banner, because it can make us do this work more and more effciencely and improve the productive .

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