11.  so it's very hard to catch a bus .

12.  it took us much time to catch a bus.

13.  however ,I was caught at last.

14.  The children ran down to the seaside, they caught sight of the boat near the sea and a lot of monkeys by the trees.

15.  but he is afraid we'll catch him or bent him.

16.  They said that the two men were impostors, and they must try hard to catch them.

17.  Then two policemen came in for catching the two impostors because they shut the men from London in an empty house and took away their cards.

18.  I must catch the change .

19.  One day mid-night, Tom was sleeping, suddenly he found a fire was catching outside .

20.  He was caught the soldiers.Gessler though out a cruel plan: order Williom's son stand one hundred paces down the street and place one apple on his head.

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