11.  Some people May argued that euthanasia is inhumane because it strips the patient's right to live.

12.  If China had a series of laws as such, the argue between the adversary and the supporter of the mercy killing will be settled.

13.  Someone May still argue that the pratise of euthanasia will provide the opportunity to the criminals to make the euthanasia legalized.

14.  These are the questions that many people May argue when they talk about euthanasia.

15.  That's why I argue that euthanasia should be legalized in China.

16.  And various conflict and endless argue will probably crop up.

17.  Some people who are for euthanasia argue that helping to hasten the deaths of terminally ill patients is humane.

18.  I will argue that euthanasia should be legalized in China in my essay on the basis of human rights, legal system and its goodness to all, including the patient, his/her family and this country.

19.  Some people said it's a murder to kill those who cannot move, but I'll argue that it's legal.

20.  Some people argue that Chinese people have been longing for longevity in China ever since the ancient times so nobody has the right to provide such a shortcut for a patient's death thus depriving his or her right of leading a longer life.

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