91.  I was invited to a party with my friends.

92.  At night, we had a party on the playground.

93.  The most unforgettable thing we did in the party was burning firecrackers.

94.  It was my classmates who were going to have a party.

95.  We held a happy party.

96.  why not hold a party with your friends to celebrate this mavollours night.

97.  That night, a party to welcome the freshman 97' to our department was held, on the top of the eight-floor high Art Building.

98.  Some of our teachers, the officers who were in charge of the military training of the freshman, and the main role of the party --- the freshman who just came into the campus this month, receiving the military training, were invited.

99.  A game named "Finding your friends" made a good beginning for the party.

100.  The party included in a song together .

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