91.  When you can not finish reading the book, you May put a bookmark on the page which you have just read.

92.  So we must judge the direction and finish the action quickly.

93.  Once after they finished a task under the sea, other soldiers came back, the bank .

94.  When the dinner finished, it was night o'clock.

95.  I will finished my dream centirly .

96.  Having finished visiting the Palace, we Decided to go to Beihai Park.

97.  At times ,I also felt sleepy in class and cann't set my mind to the lesson in days ;I can't finish other lesson's task .

98.  " Before Mum could finish her sentence, Dad said "Wait a minute, the wind will blow out the candle.

99.  An hour later the game finished.

100.  In order to finish their homework or to get high scores, they have to spend plenty of time studying.

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