91.  Losing jobs and changing jobs are common in China now.

92.  Fortunately, this phenomenon is not common.

93.  Among the various means of transportation in Guangzhou, the most common one is the bicycle.

94.  As a student, I share the common attitude towards study with most fellows.

95.  Such problems are the common ones.

96.  That is, to memorize the complicated, long, words on a large scale, before we have learned the common words well.

97.  He is a genius( children are all geniuses they only degenerate to common people after they are fifteen, like us ) with his sensibity .

98.  Common interests link us together and critical time tests the soundness of the friendship.

99.  While the Attached School is only a common chool , although it is quite famous for its nglish teaching and aclievements , it attracts far less students, not to speak of scientific students.

100.  Boredom is a common disease in the souety , but not an incurable one.

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