1.  I have to suffer hardships again...

2.  People don't suffer from cold and hunger.

3.  Those days, the Chinese people suffered for foodless .

4.  many people suffered from hungry , infant often died .

5.  and in 1990, the developing counties were no longer suffered from hungry , Second, the natural desase was Decrease , and war is Decreas and so on.

6.  On the other hand, I believe that success belongs to those who can suffer long years of patient toil and constant efforts, so I can not give up for ever.

7.  Some countries even import fresh water from other countries, as the international report indicates, many nations, especially African countries are suffering from lack of fresh water .

8.  Many people are being suffered from the shortage of fresh water.

9.  Because in that old days, people were suffered from warring , flooding and so on.

10.  If we don't do exercises we will get fat and little by little, we will suffer from all kinds of illness .

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