81. Infrastructure-building assisted by official Japanese loans has played a significant role in promoting economic self-reliance and development in Asian countries by stimulating local private economic activities through trade and investment.
82. For practical purposes by the end of our period chattel slavery had retreated to the more backward parts of the Middle East and Asia, where it no longer played a significant agricultural role.
83. The institute has played a significant role in Kuwait's mariculture development, as three of our graduates, Dr Sulaiman Al Matter, Dr Abdul Aziz Al Ameeri and Dr Khaled El Allah, now work at KISR plus Dr Albert Tacon who worked at KISR for a short time before being forced to flee Saddam Hussein.
84. In this latter respect, government policy (or the threat of intervention) would seem to be the most significant factor tending to remove authority over collective bargaining to the national confederations.9 Attempts to align the outcome of wage negotiations with macroeconomic policy objectives have been one factor which has tended to raise the level of bargaining and it has played a significant role at certain periods in countries such as Holland, Norway
85. Using the CRE dodecamer as an example we will now look at the energetics and structural aspects of B I -B II transitions and attempt to answer the question of whether any B II junctions can play a significant role in the solution conformation of this oligomer.
86. We first question we would like to answer is whether any of the B II junctions created above are actually present in the solution structure of CATGACGTCATG or whether they could play a significant role in an equilibrium of different solution conformations.
87. It thus seems possible to conclude that no B II junctions play significant roles in the solution conformation of the CRE dodecamer.
88. Does he agree that grant-maintained status plays a significant role in raising the morale of the teaching profession, raising education standards and improving the fabric of buildings?
89. A whole succession of international agreements have come into being since then, including the Montreal Protocol to phase out the manufacture and use of ozone-depleting chemicals (such as CFCs) and the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which has played a significant role in helping to protect some of the world's rarest flora and fauna.
90. "The ability to derive quantative data from the core within hours of coring played a significant role in selection of drill stem test intervals and enabled Statoil to maximise the effectiveness of expensive and time-consuming critical processes.