81.  International economic developments have a central role, but he "regards the world economy as a system of interacting national social formations".

82.  It did however reflect a sense of Britain's central role in a world-wide economy and permitted individuals to believe they could contribute to a good cause without relying upon government or becoming enmeshed in politics.

83.  Both use metaphors that confirm his central role in the proceedings.

84.  Whatever one's views on his editorial methods, one has to concede d'Indy's central role in the short-lived Rameau revival around the turn of this century.

85.  They thus have a central role in the development of the British constitution.

86.  Mrs Thatcher will today emphasise the central role of the UN in global environmental issues.

87.  This process of collecting and discussing information involved staff at all levels, although faculty representatives on the CCC played a central role.

88.  A proper understanding of the revolution would play a central role in developing the socialist consciousness of the working masses, in inspiring the people with confidence and pride in the construction of socialism under the leadership of the party.

89.  They rejected the main tenets of revolutionary Marxism, denied the central role of the proletariat, and dreamed of a peasant-based socialism.

90.  These principles play a central role in how children make use of terms in the conventional lexicon, as well as when they go beyond those to coin new words.

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