71.  His is the central role.

72.  The similarities and differences between grief and depression have had a central role in the development of psychoanalytic theory.

73.  My own view is that while that type of system will be important in the future it may not have the central role assumed for it by John Alvey - hence my plea For more resources to be devoted to looking at real user needs and trying out alternatives to the IKBS approach.

74.  These authors argue that in the "brideservice societies", a category encompassing the relatively egalitarian hunting and gathering peoples and those that have a mixed economy of hunting, gathering, small-scale horticulture, the association of sexuality and violence, which is but a particular type of sexual oppression, plays a central role in all political and much social action.

75.  Through all this process, and partly because of the pressures created by it, the central role of governors has received little public attention.

76.  On the contrary, it involves a recognition of its central mediating role in the use and learning of language.

77.  Sean McBride, one of AI's founding members, explained the central role that education must play in promoting the values espoused by the UDHR: "Effectively used, world public opinion can in itself become an important influence on the centres of power in the world.

78.  With a story sufficiently English to appease nationalist sentiment and Britain's only international star, Charles Laughton, in the central role, the picture deployed every lesson Korda had learned from his sojourns in Europe and Hollywood about pleasing an audience.

79.  Traditional oral forms of communication, which played a central role in the maintenance of social and political order - ensuring continuity and reinforcing values and norms of behaviour - was gradually confronted by a quite different form based on the new technology of print and, generally, on a foreign language.

80.  Radio has taken on an especially important central role in situations where other communications facilities are either lacking or inadequate.

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