71.  We are needing to learn active roles, to choose what we want and how to achieve it.

72.  These training sessions take place during working hours with the agreement of the school Principal, and require teachers to assume an active role.

73.  Male hostility to the notion that women could assume active roles within the social and political spheres of the movement in part prompted the guild, but it also endowed a jealously-guarded independence that enabled the guild to work outside the political boundaries of accepted cooperative practice.

74.  It is certainly not without significance that the Association always maintained a link with the new youth movement by aligning itself with the Boys' Brigade and playing an active role in the formation of the Scouts.

75.  The revival has given aristocrats like Lord Ferrers the opportunity to play an active role in politics again.

76.  Now trade officials are talking about yet another deadline in mid-December, it seems as if the EC may at last be ready to play a more active role in liberalising world trade, thanks largely to goading from its energetic new trade commissioner, Sir Leon Brittan.

77.  Studies which have observed children's independent attempts at writing stress the active role children take in decoding and recreating the adult writing system.

78.  The Breed Club takes an active role in all things, including inspection of litters to help with the resale of puppies from litters which are bred within the Club's jurisdiction.

79.  Where appropriate, we like to take an active role.

80.  Later on in the Emergency, after insurgents stuck for supplies began stealing Masai cattle, the Masai were persuaded to take a more active role.

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