51.  Unlike in T-groups, the tutor, or trainer, plays a key role in briefing the group for its tasks and in directing the development of feed-back by means of questions and comments at the end of each exercise.

52.  Leadership plays a key role in the overall levels of motivation and collaboration.

53.  The other member of the school staff was the principal teacher of the remedial department who it was felt would play a key role in Tony's remaining time at school.

54.  Waste: Local authorities already have a key role in waste disposal but the bill creates new duties and involves a form of back-door privatisation.

55.  Cytochrome b plays a key role in electron transfer from ubiquinone to cytochrome c (22).

56.  This sort of awareness of the children's requirements is a key role for the teacher in most activities as she tries to anticipate and provide for the next stage in each child's development.

57.  Guinness plays a key role in the Irish economy where an immense contribution is made each year; for instance, over IR&200 million is spent annually on the wages and salaries bill for its 3,000 employees up and down the country, along with the purchase of home grown raw materials and other requirements for its operations in the Republic.

58.  Cecilia Ochoa of the Philippines, one of the participants of the Frankfurt meetings, played a key role in organising the Quezon City seminar, where the majority of participants were women in leadership roles.

59.  According to Martin Dolinchek, a former intelligence officer with the now defunct Bureau of State Security (BOSS), South African intelligence played a key role in building the credibility of Inkatha from its launch in 1974.

60.  Rafael Pardo Ruedas, a former government security adviser who played a key role in negotiating the demobilization and political integration of the left-wing April-19 Movement (M-19) guerrillas in March 1990 [see pp. 37244; 37311], was appointed Defence Minister on Aug. 24, replacing Gen. Oscar Botero Restrepo.

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