51.  The Dawn of Dreams had not been her most glamorous role - to play the central role of a disturbed adolescent Jo had gained 20lb and spent hours creating the greyish, pasty complexion of a kid raised in institutions.

52.  The precise aetiology remains unclear but fibroblasts and myofibroblasts are thought to have a central role, and superoxide free radicals might be the stimulus to myofibroblast proliferation.

53.  "The catering industry is unique in the challenges it offers young people and every effort must be made to ensure that it plays a central role in careers advice," he said.

54.  The combination of the reproducibility and reliability of long-term potentiation as a physiological phenomenon, the evidence of the central role played by the hippocampus in mammalian memory and the renewed enthusiasm about the prospects for productive research into the cellular processes of memory produced, in the early 1980s, an extraordinary bandwagon in hippocampal studies.

55.  Speed will have his central role he prefers so theres no excuse now.

56.  The large role of foreign banks in Brazilian development in the 1970s earned them a central role in the later adjustment period.

57.  The first was meant to unseat Digital Equipment Corp's PDP-11 on the glow of the IBM name alone, but was sent naked into the market with no software and became the ultimate dogsbody product, a computing resource for any whim that needed one, a computer without portfolio that never found a central role.

58.  Her long-term goal is the re-establishment of a society in which the Church once more occupies this central role.

59.  The NVALA's long-term goal has been the re-establishment of a society in which the Church once more occupies a central role.

60.  ( d. 1265), keeper of the king's works at Westminster, son of Odo the goldsmith, played a central role in King Henry III's rebuilding of Westminster Abbey.

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