41.  a new Technical Conservation, Research and Education group which will have a key role in raising standards of research on technical conservation of buildings and encouraging and disseminating good practice both within the agency and among the professions, trades and general public

42.  So long as recruitment to privileged positions depends upon connections, values and demeanour as well as formal qualifications, then elite education will play a key role.

43.  If UNEP is to play the key role in shaping and managing the new environmental conventions Brazil would be a better centre (and Geneva an even better one).

44.  He was toying with the idea of bifocal spectacles on the eve of his appointment as Ambassador to France, and the future held a key role for him in the drafting of the American Constitution.

45.  The new republics also foresee themselves playing a key role as trading intermediaries between the new CIS and the West.

46.  THE SOVIET UNION played a key role in the agreement under which thousands of East Germans who had taken refuge in the West German embassies in Prague and Warsaw were allowed to go to the West on Sunday, government officials said yesterday.

47.  Informal workers are playing a key role in the return to pre-1930s labour relations in the West.

48.  Social workers have a key role to play when someone suspects that a child is being abused.

49.  It also plays a key role in technical evaluations.

50.  In the post-Stalin years, the Soviet ambassador has remained a figure of enormous importance (hence the key roles assumed by Andropov in Hungary and Chervonenko in Prague in the respective crises of 1956 and 1968).

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