41.  Banks play a central role as consultants, advisers and agents in acquisition situations.

42.  The nouveau roman has played a central role in the debates surrounding postmodernism: the metafictional techniques and strategies associated with the writers commonly identified with this movement have come to be regarded as, in many ways, synonymous with what constitutes postmodernist fiction.

43.  The major histocompatibility (MHC) class II antigens are surface heterodimers required for presentation of antigenic peptides to the receptor of T-helper cells; quantitative variation in the expression of these antigens play a central role in immune response (1).

44.  The central role is that of the demented Renata - "half-saint, half-whore, torn between the two extremes of sexual indulgence and religious self-denial".

45.  For the first time in classical antiquity the nuclear family had assumed a central role in the politics of state.

46.  In 1976 the friendship treaty was abrogated, Soviet debts (some US$11 billion) were repudiated, and the Egyptians moved closer to the USA, which had played a central role in the Camp David and other peace negotiations in the area.

47.  We looked at the central role feelings play in our lives, and at the difficulties women with bulimia often have in expressing them.

48.  Both rejected positivistic literary scholarship and called for a renewed attention to literature as literature; both insisted on the differences between literature and other kinds of writing, and tried to define these differences in theoretical terms; both gave a central role in their definitions to ideas of structure and interrelatedness, and treated the literary text as an object essentially independent of its author and its historical context.

49.  Almost certainly, the most ancient process, and one which continues to play a central role today, is genetic recombination, illustrated in Figure 5.

50.  Because of their involvement and understanding, engineers have a central role in the control of risk.

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