31. Annesley, an authority on rare plants and trees, played a significant role in the development of the garden.
32. While simple imitation fails to explain the occurrence of such novel utterances, a number of researchers have presented evidence indicating that imitation may nevertheless play a significant role in the child's mastery of vocabulary, syntax and pragmatic functions (Bloom et al .
33. It is widely acknowledged that the school examination system has exerted a powerful controlling effect on school curricula, even if, in more recent times, CSE (Mode 3) has allowed schools to play a significant role on the assessment of their own pupils.
34. We play a significant role in the supervision of insurance companies and pension funds, providing a link between the supervisors and the companies and funds.
35. We have often played significant roles in such events, with actuarial advisers acting for both sides of many of the transactions.
36. Smoking is primarily a health problem, although it does play a significant economic role in the community.
37. Verdun was the epitome of a "soldier's battle" Within an hour or less of the launching of each organised attack or counter-attack, leadership even over the lower echelons ceased to play any significant role.
38. As regards the philosophical concept of time, according to Needham, the Mohist school (followers of the philosopher Mo Ti in the fifth century BC) was inclined to temporal atomicity, although the hypothesis of material atomism never played any significant role in Chinese thought, which was wedded to the idea of the continuum.
39. One should be aware that it may well have played an equally significant role in saving the Conservative Party from disintegration.
40. But, assuming that the formal external information resource does have a significant role to play in helping corporations to achieve viable strategies, the overwhelming message for information providers is that much more effort needs to be put into making that resource - whether in traditional print or in online form - more comprehensible in its overall structure, and easier to access and use in its individual parts, by