11.  Researchers at the Woolwich Centre for Computer Crime Research believe that improved personnel procedures have a key role to play in improving internal controls.

12.  In pursuing this aim, IDB's Marketing Development Division has a key role to play through the wide range of support which it can offer to all sizes of companies in Northern Ireland involved in manufacturing or providing internationally tradeable services.

13.  Although LMS sees LEAs transfer much of their powers, authorities still have a key role to play as the principal source of advice on the complexities of employment law and on fair procedures for appointment, discipline, grievance and dismissal.

14.  The work of the officers was obviously intensive and complex, and the boards played the key role in determining in practice what constituted CNAA policy.

15.  Bill Clinton is no miracle-worker, but he is much closer to the gut instincts of the majority of Merseysiders, who believe elected leaders have a key role to play in building a fair society.

16.  Much of the responsibility for this will rest with health authorities who will play the key role in demonstration projects recently announced by the Government.

17.  STRIKER Andy Payton could play a key role in Middlesbrough's final promotion push.

18.  He continued his impressive end-of-season form and played a key role in Stuart Ripley's equaliser.

19.  The former England star played a key role in getting Sunderland to Wembley, playing with 12-stitches in a shin wound and with a broken nose late in the season.

20.  In 1939 Morgan went to France at OC2 Air Formation Signals and played a key role in organising telecommunications between the French and British forces: for this he was appointed CBE.

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