11.  What is less obvious is that drama can have a central role in developing children's reading and writing skills, not only in English but also in most other curriculum areas.

12.  She also makes the crucial point that it is wrong to attribute it to the mass of black people, finding it most marked among some intellectual and political leaders, who also obscure the central roles played by lesbians and gays in black communities.

13.  Indonesia occupies a central role in this market, supplying approximately 50 per cent of Pacific LNG needs.

14.  The contradictions of the model help explain why the transition from Francoism to democracy did not take place by a process of radical "rupture", but through a more consensual evolution in which elements of the regime's own institutions and key political figures played a central role.

15.  For example, they may frequently be given a role in maintaining employment and thus helping to preserve the political accommodations between classes upon which a successful response to the crisis depends; this may conflict with their central role in the restructuring of industries in crisis.

16.  Created in 1879, the Posts and Telegraphs administration was a junior ministry that occupied a central role in the formulation of communications policy in liaison (and in turf-wars (with the Interior, Defence, Foreign, and Colonial Affairs Ministries.

17.  Another example is the City Panel on Takeovers and Mergers (which was set up informally, but as a result of prompting from central government, by major City financial institutions); it plays a central role in the regulation of company mergers and takeovers.

18.  With a government that appears consciously to thrive on discord, and which has no policy on crime other than the obviousness of its being evil, the central role of the police has been inevitable.

19.  One was Alan Hayling, who was later to play a central role in the story of News on Sunday .

20.  After the second amendment was ratified in April 1978, this process was speeded up because the concept of an official gold price was abandoned (the final step in eliminating gold from its central role in the Fund as a standard of value), the Fund's own unit of account became the SDR and members agreed that the SDR should become the principal reserve asset of the international monetary system.

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