11.  The class can take on the role of any group of people unified by a common concern or problem, so long as we ensure that every child has an active role to play.

12.  The region is taking an active role in fund-raising by identifying potential donors, developing the concept of local sponsorship for seminars and projects, and exploring the "commercial" possibilities of funded advertising in special publications and the AR-WACC Newsletter.

13.  He appealed to the French government to play an active role as mediator.

14.  Erm, I I think we will encourage er, people with dependants to play a more active role in the er, business of this council and in, I think it is something that is worth er, considering and it is worth carrying forward.

15.  Take an active role in asking for appointments; most kinds of research benefit from discussion at least every month or so.

16.  For instance, if examples in which females play an active role appear as often as those in which the active person is male, this may help counteract the prevailing view in society that mathematics is primarily an activity for males.

17.  Also null and void is any stipulation releasing a partner from playing an active role in running the business.

18.  They were (i) the establishment of a permanent arms control verification staff to help monitor compliance with arms control agreements; (ii) the assumption of an active role in the settlement of regional conflicts, even outside Europe; (iii) redefinition of Western efforts to prevent proliferation of ballistic missile technology as well nuclear and chemical weapons; (iv) promotion of initiatives through the Conference on Security and Co-operation in

19.  A workshop on Student Media for Social Change has motivated students from Indonesia and other parts of Asia to play a more active role in pressing for human rights and democracy in their countries.

20.  The GLC introduced a new vogue for councils to take a far more active role in their investment decisions.

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