111.  Secondly, not only have Brown and his colleagues (1986a) confirmed that it is a close relationship that plays the key protective role in the development of depression (regular contact, fair level of confiding), but they also found that it was essential to consider both positive and negative aspects of such relationships for any satisfactory understanding.

112.  And this, Ashworth explained, was a key role which he and his "Think Tank" colleagues played - preventing politicians from being blinded by science or pressured by lobbies.

113.  AEA has much to contribute, and we look forward to playing a key role.

114.  The recent introduction of pilot one-stop-shops, which are intended to be the main local point of access to and promotion of all DTI services, and the diagnostic and consultancy brokerage services which are being developed to succeed the Consultancy Initiatives, will play a key role in helping firms, in particular smaller firms, to access the technology which they need as part of their business and marketing plans.

115.  Although the details have not been disclosed, the Soviet Union played a key role in convincing the East Germans to let refugees holed up in West German embassies leave for the West.

116.  The commitment of these individuals played a key role in the birth and early achievements of GDA.

117.  As Mao's personal secretary and speechwriter for over 30 years, Chen was one of the "Great Helmsman" 's closest confidants, writing countless tracts and playing a key role in the Cultural Revolution, Mao's catastrophic campaign to purify the Communist party hierarchy and revive what he imagined to be China's fading revolutionary ardour in the 1960s.

118.  Its release had, however, been held up for some time on instructions from C. M. Woolf, a shrewd film salesman who had played a key role in financing the first projects of both Balcon and Wilcox.

119.  Robert Hamer planned to follow Kind Hearts and Coronets with a sexually-charged film set in the West Indies, with Vivien Leigh in the key role, but this was cancelled two weeks before shooting began and he quit the studio in a huff.

120.  Earlier the Princess, who is the patron of the International Spinal Research Trust, visited Scotland's national spinal-injury unit in the city, where exercise also has key role in treating patients.

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