101.  The key role played by intensification is indicated by the sharp increase in manufacturing productivity achieved during the downturn.

102.  The strike committees which mushroomed from the summer of 1968 did so outside whatever trade union structures existed (although individual union activists played a key role).

103.  One is the fact that, while in Italy a tightening of the labour market played a key role, in France the strike occurred in the context of the highest levels of unemployment and excess capacity since 1960.

104.  In response to a General Consumer Council report published in 1991, the proposed restructuring includes new arrangements for: Giving district councils a key role in shaping the development of their areas' advice services.

105.  This can be justified by the fact that Keynesianism was the accepted dominant macro-intellectual tradition and that in this tradition a key role, if not the key role, is the manipulation of fiscal policy weapons to achieve economy-wide targets.

106.  From the start of welfare provision for the disabled it was recognized that social workers would have a key role to play in putting the handicapped in touch with the provision available.

107.  The letter was brought from PLO headquarters in Tunis by Norwegian Foreign Minister Johan Joergen Holst, who played a key role in secret Israeli-PLO contacts which lead to the agreement.

108.  Our management unit has played a key role in the development of efficient and effective management within the sector.

109.  Danson wants to quit his key role as bar owner Sam Malone, and TV bosses say Cheers can't go on without him.

110.  Joe Clark (hitherto Secretary of State for External Affairs, and Prime Minister in 1979-80), was persuaded to take on a key role in the ongoing constitutional debate concerning Canada's future federal structure and the position of Quebec.

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