91.  It is one thing to describe the key role played by rising labour costs and another to explain why they rose.

92.  Japan is often cited as the prime example of a successful industrial policy playing a key role in the dynamism of accumulation.

93.  The government's key role in the early days was to protect the industry.

94.  They played a key role in the original establishment of the Labour Party, and provide a large proportion of the party's funds today.

95.  While certainly it seems plausible to suggest that, if there are people from similar social or educational backgrounds in a number of key roles, the relationships between those people will facilitate the sharing of ideas and opinions, the processes involved cannot necessarily be explained as simply as this.

96.  If rural areas are to absorb and retain more labour than they have been expected to do in the past then agriculture and other forms of primary production will have a key role to play.

97.  Dreaming has a key role in psychoanalytic theory.

98.  The role of the Pope is not discussed by Freud, but it has played a key role in the Roman Catholic and Protestant hostilities.

99.  European companies, however, have argued that they are cut out of parallel efforts in America, and in particular from Semantech, a big industry project in which IBM plays a key role.

100.  A key role for the TECs, in this view, will be to keep reminding employers of the lessons of the 1980s.

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