91.  I will make a brash prediction: that by the year 2000 the social sciences, in conjunction with brain studies, will commence to replace biology in the central role.

92.  As we noted earlier, explanation plays a central role in education.

93.  I was very determined that drama activities would play a central role in the English curriculum, and I found my Working Group were unanimous in supporting this approach.

94.  The process of revision continued at rehearsals, which began in February 1939 according to Michael Redgrave, who played the central role, Eliot kept his head buried in his text throughout them: he still seemed ill at ease with actors, although responsive to their demands.

95.  The reader is presented with as wide a context as possible, and from this is better able to understand the central role that the laude assumed in their devotions and how numerous bequests maintained this tradition.

96.  At the end of December 1989 the Supreme Court named the three final conservative appointees to the Senate [see p. 37117 for first six appointments], so that the outgoing military regime was represented by 28 of the 47 members, further ensuring that the incoming government of President Aylwin would be unable to modify the central role of the military under the 1980 Constitution [see p. 30619].

97.  Founded in 1842, it was Croatia's oldest cultural organization, but had been discredited by its central role in the Croat nationalist agitation at the beginning of the 1970s [see pp. 25213-14].

98.  As a result a company may have a golden opportunity to remove its operators from their central role in controlling production.

99.  For if the category of the individual is to play the central role allotted to it by individualism, it must be the source of a number of social characteristics which demand explanation.

100.  If their commitment to the central explanatory role of the individual is not to be undermined by concessions such as these, individualists must believe that environmental factors cannot carry all the explanatory weight.

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