1.  The 258 delegates, seated in political rather than national groups, adopted by a large majority a final declaration in favour of a federally based European union, with the EC playing a key role within the UN, the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) and NATO; relations with the Western European Union (WEU) would be redefined.

2.  Her background as a social worker helped when she intervened in the child abuse row and played a key role in drawing up new guidelines on how the social services should handle future cases.

3.  A CO Down businessman who played a key role in the inter-party talks at Stormont has failed to win a Unionist Party nomination to stand in East Belfast in May's local government elections.

4.  Antrim will be powered by Charlie McLernon and Jimmy Wilson at midfield while Eddie Quinn and John McManus will have key roles in attack.

5.  And then midway through the second-half he played a key role in Brian Strain's vital winner.

6.  The Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd, held a key role during Britain's presidency of the EC and could have set the whole tone of the West's approach to the problem.

7.  Leading the attack is the Peking Municipal Party Committee, stacked with zealous ideologues who played a key role in suppressing the student movement.

8.  This study is looking at relations between the societies and government since the early 1970s, including the key role of the societies' trade body the Building Societies Association.

9.  The governor's key role in the" redistricting" process - deciding precisely where the new electoral boundaries were to be drawn - offered the possibility of considerable political reward for the party which controlled the office.

10.  PORT OF BELFAST: The City's lifeline is playing key role in development of the economy.

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