1.  The closest Harp Senior League race in recent memory is set for a thrilling climax with Bann playing an central role.

2.  Local education authority officers could have a central role in helping managers in schools and colleges make decisions, rather than the previous role of making decisions for them.

3.  Describing the CNAA in 1965, Venables said of the wider powers given to it than those of the NCTA, that it was apparent that "it is government policy for the CNAA to exert a central role in the rapid development of a quasi-university system within "the public sector".

4.  One issue of interpretation is the extent to which the exchange, given its central role, shares or acknowledges a particular market view of what its rules mean.

5.  Secondly, claims that the family is losing its educational function need to be balanced by an acknowledgment that increasing emphasis is now placed on the central role parents play in their child's development, even where very young children spend part of the day in the care of another (see Part Two).

6.  The idea of democracy as a threat to liberty was not new, as we have seen; but it was to play a central role in modern liberal thinking about democracy.

7.  A way out of this dilemma was found by elevating interest and pressure groups to a central role in the new version of democracy.

8.  It is certainly not self-evident that the central institutions of political democracy are, in their present forms, well designed to play their central role in a democratic polity and society.

9.  Hateley made his England debut as a substitute in a Wembley defeat by the USSR in June, 1984, and looked to have made the central striking role his own with nine goals.

10.  He looks more effective, however, in a central role, and this is where he is expected to be used against Lithuania.

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