

See Also:
make case 134.82 However, this author's argument does not make a cogent case here.
take case 16.85 Take the case above as an example.
lose case 13.48 Therefore, they assume that they mustn't make mistakes or lose a case.
cause case 10.11 Taking into consideration the possible factor that cause the case , we can approach the authentic conclusion.
meet case 10.11 Many AIDS once have met this case.
see case 10.11 Different people see the same case in different perspective.
use case 10.11 The author used the case of Jennifer to explain how E-mail travelled on the Internet to reach someone far away.
cite case 6.74 Citing the case of the neighboring island of Seaville, the author tries to demonstrate that the limitation will lead to a reduction in moped accidents.
concern case 6.74 But other people set forth completely totally different argument concerning this case.
consider case 6.74 Considering another case, these mammals could be internecine in their lifestyle, mutually destroying each other.